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Jacek Lipski, M.Sc. • Visionary entrepreneur • Business mentor for SMEs • Freelancer I just do what I like to do . . . create, develop and manage my global web&IT solutions Visit my other projects: • SMS EasyReader&Printer ▷ Print SMS from Android • BIOFINGER-RCP ▷ Rejestratory czasu pracy
Maintaining News Credibility in a World of Fake News

Maintaining News Credibility in a World of Fake News

Generating and sharing news has become more challenging over the years and it only seems to be getting worse. With social media providing everyone with the opportunity to voice their opinions, the amount of fake news out there has skyrocketed. This term also got popularized in recent times by the former US president Trump and…

Zaprojektuj swój herb rodzinny z Family EMBLEMizer i kup polo lub koszulkę z pięknym haftem

Zaprojektuj swój herb rodzinny z Family EMBLEMizer i kup polo lub koszulkę z pięknym haftem

Na pewno każdy przynajmniej raz w życiu miał problem z wyborem niespodzianki np.: prezent na 40-tkę, prezent na jubileusz, rocznicę ślubu czy inną uroczystość rodzinną. Oczywiście kwiaty i czekoladki są nieśmiertelne, jednak warto zainwestować w wyjątkowy prezent – emblemat rodzinny. Emblemat jest połączeniem takich idei jak spersonalizowane logo oraz herb szlachecki. Historia i heraldyka jest…

How to Become More Productive by Adapting a Healthy Lifestyle

How to Become More Productive by Adapting a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to becoming successful in life, the thing that has the biggest influence is our lifestyle. The better our lifestyle is, the more productive we can be. And the more productive we get, the more success we will see in every aspect of our lives. This is not limited to your professional career…

Why You Need to Get Residential Treatment for Your Gambling Addiction

Why You Need to Get Residential Treatment for Your Gambling Addiction

Everyone has their own approach towards treating any form of addiction. People who are addicted to gambling often fail to even realize that they have a problem. Therefore, accepting it as a problem is a win as well. However, that is only the beginning of the healing process and it is only through perseverance and…

How Information Technology is Influencing Business Operations

How Information Technology is Influencing Business Operations

We are currently living in the age of technology. The reliance on tech tools for operating businesses has become an essential part of our society. Everything businesses do today is tied to some technological advancement and development is continuing at a mind-blowing pace. While new inventions may be a rare sight to have, the technologies…

The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Professional Sports

The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Professional Sports

Economies across the globe suffered from the effects of coronavirus in education, healthcare, finance, and other commercial and social activities. One industry that seemed to have taken a big hit from the pandemic is professional sports. With social distancing becoming the universal law, all kinds of activities involving any physical contact were stopped immediately. There…

How to Print SMS from Android Mobile with SMS EasyReader&Printer?

How to Print SMS from Android Mobile with SMS EasyReader&Printer?

How to print SMS from Android? Is this the right question? Yes, why not. Your search is over because SMS EasyReader&Printer is the solution to your problem. This web solution solves your problem to print SMS from Android mobile. Here, I am lettering on ‘how to transfer and print all or selected SMSs and MMSs…

Artykuły biznesowe SEO z linkiem do-follow

Artykuły biznesowe SEO z linkiem do-follow

Akceleracja rozwoju nowych technologii jest oczywistym faktem. Globalny rynek chłonie innowacje nie tylko te dostępne dla zwykłych konsumentów, ale jeszcze bardziej te kierowane do firm produkcyjnych i usługowych. Marketing internetowy przestał być zwykłą reklamą, a stał się całym systemem powiązanych stron, treści i linków. Artykuły biznesowe z linkiem do-follow to doskonała szansa na większą rozpoznawalność…

Importance of Financial Management in Business

Importance of Financial Management in Business

Running a business is no child’s play. If you want to succeed in today’s brutal world, you need to know everything to run your business optimally. There are several functions that combine to create a sustainable business operation and each of these functions plays a role in moving things forward. The most important of all…

Best Business Opportunities to Capitalize on Post-Covid 2021

Best Business Opportunities to Capitalize on Post-Covid 2021

The coronavirus has created an incredibly huge impact on the way we live our lives. Not only has it changed our daily routines, it has also changed the way we do business. Economies across the world have faced the consequences of lockdowns and people have quickly come up with new ways to sustain themselves. There…