What is Los Angeles car donation?

Los Angeles car donation gives you an opportunity to donate your vehicle to the charity of your preference. As a proof and a reminder of your generous act, you will be provided with a tax recipient aof your contribution. Los Angeles is known as the “Entertainment Capital of the World” and donations of any kind from this area are highly impactful and appreciated. If you have been considering this idea, must be because you want to make a difference. With more and more people like you, people in need will receive all the necessary care and live better lives. Select the best agency for your generous act that will maximize your contribution and earn more money to the charity with the tax deduction.

How does Los Angeles car donation function?

According to the laws of the State of California, you must present the Certificate of Title to proceed with the release of the vehicle liability. In case you titled your vehicle in the state of California previously, the agency is able to accept a Reg 262 and Reg 227 form in the title’s place. These are the most secured and you can obtain them at the Los Angeles DMV (department of motor vehicles) offices. Please keep your license plates on the vehicle when you decide to deliver the vehicle. The only exception would be personalized plates.

Finalizing the Los Angeles car donation

After presenting all the required documentation, you will proceed to the last phase of your Los Angeles car donation procedure. You will receive detailed instructions on filling out the form that will release your liability over the vehicle you are donating to the charity.

The agents will instruct you how to transfer your title step by step. Namely, you will need to enter the name of your authorized agent in the buyer/purchaser area. Next, you will need to sign your name in the specified space for the seller/owner.

Access our Los Angeles car donation program immediately and let us join our common forces towards higher goals!

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